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[Embeded Linux移植好的FLASH播放器(linux,arm,完整源代码)

Description: 原来是windows下的一个播放器,我们移植到了linux平台下,可以交叉编译。基于minigui的api接口改写的,里面是完整的源代码,包括z,jpeg,png等解码库源代码都做了移植。绝对是不可多得的好东西。希望对大家有所帮助。
Platform: | Size: 4344471 | Author: zww219@163.com | Hits:


Description: 学习笔记;arm-linux交叉工具安装 学习笔记;fedora 10 samba服务启动 学习笔记;安装所有未安装的软件包 学习笔记;fedora 10 VMware Tools安装 学习笔记;Bootstrap-v1.13编译
Platform: | Size: 4989 | Author: makun315@sohu.com | Hits:

[OtherLinux arm

Description: Linux系统移植
Platform: | Size: 1034228 | Author: spaceweiwei001@gmail.com | Hits:

[Embeded Linux基于ARM+uClinux的嵌入式系统开发

Description: arm+linux的开发心得-arm+ linux development experience
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 刘涛 | Hits:


Description: Linux Wireless LAN Project 的目标是开发一个完整的,基于标准的无线 LAN系统,这个系统用的是GNU/Linux 操作系统。把这个项目同Linux 无线扩展和其它 Linux无线项目区分开的是,它完全基于 IEEE 802.11标准。-Linux Wireless LAN Project's goal is to develop a comprehensive, standards-based wireless LAN system, the system is using GNU/Linux operating system. The item with Linux wireless expansion and other wireless Linux projects are separate, it is fully based on the IEEE 802.11 standards.
Platform: | Size: 140288 | Author: 陈洁营 | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxPorting the Linux Kernel to Arm

Description: 在ARM上移植Linux-transplantation in ARM Linux
Platform: | Size: 108544 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 一本非常好的详细讲解Linux 0.11版源代码的电子书,强烈推荐!-a very good detail on the 0.11 version of the Linux source code of e-books, strongly recommended!
Platform: | Size: 4993024 | Author: 吕进华 | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxarm-linux交叉编译环境的建立

Description: arm-linux交叉编译环境的建立-arm- linux cross-compiler environment established
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 忤怲 | Hits:

[Embeded LinuxRealARM2410-um

Description: LINUX下的ARM开发的用户手册-LINUX ARM development of the user manual
Platform: | Size: 673792 | Author: 吴有旭 | Hits:


Description: :本文首先描述了开放源码的嵌入式硬件仿真环境SkyEye的总体架构,然后对SkyEye模拟器的LCD及TouchScreen模拟模块的设计、实现与验证过程进行了深入的阐述,并且分析比较了LCD模拟的不同实现方式。开源嵌入式GUI系统-MiniGUI和Linux操作系统在SkyEye模拟器上的成功运行说明了SkyEye模拟器的LCD及TouchScreen模拟模块的设计实现是正确和可靠的。-: This paper first describes the open source embedded hardware simulation environment SkyEye the overall framework and then on the simulator SkyEye LCD and TouchScreen simulation module design, implementation and certification process conducted in-depth exposition, analysis and comparison of the different LCD simulation methods of implementation. Open-source embedded GUI system-MiniGUI and Linux operating system in the simulator SkyEye successful operation of the note SkyEye Simulator LCD and TouchScreen simulation module is designed to achieve a correct and reliable.
Platform: | Size: 475136 | Author: 无恒 | Hits:


Description: 这是基于arm s3c44b0处理器的开发板平台的关于中断处理的程序.-This is based on the arm s3c44b0 processor development board on the platform interrupt handling procedures.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 欧阳纯风 | Hits:


Description: ARM书籍一本,学过此书是学习arm的基础,具体讲到arm的内核与结构,arm指令编程-an ARM books, learned of this book is the basis for learning arm, specifically the arm with the core structure, arm programming instructions.
Platform: | Size: 12001280 | Author: 张无痕 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programARMer9开发系统的linux启动过程剖析的文档

Description: ARMer9开发系统的linux启动过程剖析的文档-ARMer9 Development System linux start the process of analyzing documents
Platform: | Size: 326656 | Author: | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxlinux+arm9+can

Description: arm9+linux 的can 驱动源码-arm9 Linux source code can drive
Platform: | Size: 292864 | Author: 张雨田 | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxarm Linux的移植过程及分析

Description: 介绍arm Linux的移植过程,讲的很清楚-introduced Linux arm transplant process, said very clearly
Platform: | Size: 177152 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 嵌入式系统开发,linux下arm串口通信程序设计。-embedded systems development, under linux arm serial communication program design.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 马涛 | Hits:


Description: linux-arm编译器 手册 大家分享-linux-arm compiler manual U.S. share
Platform: | Size: 568320 | Author: 李明 | Hits:


Description: arm+mmu详细图解 linux + arm + mmu 初学者比较有用-arm+ mmu detailed diagram linux+ arm+ mmu more useful for beginners
Platform: | Size: 2225152 | Author: 胡国定 | Hits:

[File FormatLINUX-arm-cross-tool

Description: linux-arm交叉编译学习笔记 学习笔记 arm-linux交叉工具安装 学习笔记 fedora 10 samba服务启动 学习笔记 fedora 10 VMware Tools安装 学习笔记 fedora 10网络设置 学习笔记 Bootstrap-v1.13编译-linux-arm-crosstool
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 北京航空航天大学的嵌入式LINUX和ARM课件,讲的很详细,相信能让你们受益匪浅。-Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics LINUX+ ARM embedded software, in great detail about, I believe you can benefit
Platform: | Size: 2093056 | Author: pc | Hits:
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